+998 91 599-21-55
Welcome words

The permanent photo-exhibitions show: “Meetings of Sh. R. Rashidov with cosmonauts” and “Foreign visits of Sh. R. Rashidov”, as well as the Genealogical Tree of Sharaf Rashidovich Rashidov and Hursanoi Gafurovna. One more permanent photo-exhibition presents: “The Moments of Sh. R. Rashidov's life”.

Welcome words

The library stock of the House-Museum consists of three parts. The first part is composed of the books collected by Sh. Rashidov throughout his life, since his student's years. The second part consists of the books presented by well-known poets, diplomats, composers. The third part demonstrates Sh. Rashidov's writings. This section is presented by the five-volume edition of collected works in two languages, Uzbek and Russian.

About museum

The territory, on which the House-Museum is situated in the suburb of the Dzhizak-city. The house belonged to the Halilovs, parents of Sh.R. Rashidov: Rashid ota (the father) and Kuisinoi ona (the mother). On the insistence of Hursanoi Gafurovna, the spouse of Sharaf Rashidovich, the old adobe-brick house was re-planned in 1979. Unfortunately, Sharaf Rashidov did not have the opportunity to live in this updated house. But it was the place where his childhood and youth had passed; the place he left for the fronts the World War II and where he returned to. The main objective of the house-museum creation is preservation and research on the rich heritage Sharaf Rashidovich Rashidov.

The museum has five rooms: the first of them is the exposition about Sh. R. Rashidov's life consisting of the documents and personal things, gifts of heads of foreign countries. The next room is devoted to Hursanoi Gafurovna Rashidova, the spouse of Sh. R. Rashidov, and other members of his family. The documents and some personal things are presented. Sh. R.Rashidov's study exposes some things and books from the study in the Tashkent apartment (reconstruction).

Ergashev Shukhrat Ergashevich

He works at the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami.
Ergashev Shukhrat is an author of 5 monographs, 4 textbooks, 5 textbooks, 5 science-educational books and more than 40 scientific articles on the history of civilizations and the history of Uzbekistan

Zamira Rayimovna Ishankhodzhaeva

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.Z.R.Ishankhodjaeva is the author of a number of monographs , co-author of collective monographs, textbooks and teaching aids. She is also the author of about 170 publications that were published in Uzbekistan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, etc

Kovalev Boris Nikolaevich

Boris Nikolaevich is an expert in the questions and problems of collaboration during the Second World War, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, as well as a leading researcher at the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Feodor Ibatovich Razzakov

The Russian writer, historian, senior analyst of the Institute of the Systemic- Strategic Analysis

Nabi Saidkarimovich Ziyadullaev

Тhe Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, the chief researcher of the Institute for Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the adviser of the Tashkent State Economic University

Guzal Akramzhanovna Egamberdieva

Doctoral Candidate at the Chair of History of the Uzbekistan National University named after Mirzo Ulugbek

Aynur Ibodullayevna Suyarova

Mirzo Ulug’bek nomidagi Milliy universitetning Jizzax filiali assistenti.

Ergashev Shukhrat Ergashevich
Zamira Rayimovna Ishankhodzhaeva
Kovalev Boris Nikolaevich
Feodor Ibatovich Razzakov
Nabi Saidkarimovich Ziyadullaev
Guzal Akramzhanovna Egamberdieva
Aynur Ibodullayevna Suyarova
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Ergashev Shukhrat Ergashevich

He works at the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami.
Ergashev Shukhrat is an author of 5 monographs, 4 textbooks, 5 textbooks, 5 science-educational books and more than 40 scientific articles on the history of civilizations and the history of Uzbekistan

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Zamira Rayimovna Ishankhodzhaeva

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.Z.R.Ishankhodjaeva is the author of a number of monographs , co-author of collective monographs, textbooks and teaching aids. She is also the author of about 170 publications that were published in Uzbekistan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, etc

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Kovalev Boris Nikolaevich

Boris Nikolaevich is an expert in the questions and problems of collaboration during the Second World War, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, as well as a leading researcher at the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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Feodor Ibatovich Razzakov

The Russian writer, historian, senior analyst of the Institute of the Systemic- Strategic Analysis

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Nabi Saidkarimovich Ziyadullaev

Тhe Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, the chief researcher of the Institute for Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the adviser of the Tashkent State Economic University

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Guzal Akramzhanovna Egamberdieva

Doctoral Candidate at the Chair of History of the Uzbekistan National University named after Mirzo Ulugbek

Читать далее
Aynur Ibodullayevna Suyarova

Mirzo Ulug’bek nomidagi Milliy universitetning Jizzax filiali assistenti.

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News Title

Conference on “The Literary Heritage of Sharof Rashidov in the Context of the ‘New Uzbekistan’ Strategy” Held in Jizzakh

The plenary session of the conference was held at India’s Sambhram University, and the three breakout sections took place at the Sharof Rashidov Information and Library Center of the Jizzakh Region. In line with the decision of the Parliamentary Commission of the Oliy Majlis (No. 2, dated August 2, 2023), the Republican Scientific-Practical Conference, “The […]



Until May 1, 2024, the House-Museum is closed for re-exposition Attention to visitors of the Sharaf Rashidov Science and Educational Memorial House-Museum! We inform you that from Wednesday April 10, 2024 to Tuesday April 30, 2024 inclusive, the House-Museum will be closed due to re-exposition. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. The work of the […]


Sharaf Rashidov Science and Educational Memorial House-Museum sums up the year

More than 1,500 people visited the Sharaf Rashidov Science and Educational Memorial House-Museum in the passing year. In 2023, the staff of the Sharaf Rashidov Science and Educational Memorial House-Museum organized briefings for teachers, meetings with schoolchildren and students, and recordings of interviews with labor veterans. Over the course of the year, more than 700 […]


The Sharaf Rashidov Science and Educational Memorial Museum in Jizzakh organized a “Meeting of Three Generations” event

On 12 October 2023, the Sharaf Rashidov Science and Educational Memorial Museum in Jizzakh and the Sharaf Rashidov International Public Fund, in cooperation with the Khokimiyat of Jizzakh province, the “Nuroniy” Veterans Foundation, the National Association of NGOs of Uzbekistan, and the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, organized a “Meeting of Three Generations” event at the Jizzakh […]


On June 16, military personnel of the Ministry of Defense visited the Scientific and educational House-museum of Sharaf Rashidov. The visitors got acquainted with the life, glorious past and history of Sharaf Rashidov.


On June 12, the Jizzakh City Center for Rehabilitation Disabled patients visited the House-Museum of Sharof Rashidov. They got acquainted with the life and work of Sharof Rashidov and watched a documentary made for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sharof Rashidov.


On May 27 of this year, foreign guests visited the house-museum of the Sharof Rashidov in Jizzakh city. They got acquainted with the life and work of Sharaf Rashidov, had great impressios during the visit and expressed their desire to visit again with their family members in the future.


On May 25, scientific staff of the Bukhara branch of the V.I. Romanovsky Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan visited the Scientific and educational House-museum of the Sharof Rashidov. They got to know the life and work of Sharof Rashidov and watched a documentary film made on the occasion of 100th […]

On May 11, young students visited the Scientific and Educational House Museum of Sharaf Rashidov. They closely got acquainted with the life and work of Sharaf Rashidov. A visit to the House Museum made an impression on the students.


On May 3rd, Ambassador Jonathan Henick received a special tour of the Sharof Rashidov Museum and learned about one of the important figures in modern Uzbekistan’s history. We were glad to welcome distinguished guests from the Embassy of the United States in the Republic of Uzbekistan!


On October 5th’2022, Acting Assistant Secretary for Global Public Affairs Elizabeth Trudeau received a special tour of the Sharof Rashidov museum from one of his daughters, Gulnora Rashidova. Thank you Ms. Rashidova for sharing your family’s history with us!


Tour around the House-Museum named after Sharaf Rashidov for the children of the School No 10

On March 15 of this year, 167 students from School No.: 10 named after Sharof Rashidov of Jizzakh city visited the House-museum of the Sharof Rashidov.

Tour around the House-Museum named after Sharaf Rashidov for the children of the School No 13

Tour around the House-Museum named after Sharaf Rashidov for the children of the School No 13Children, together with a history teacher, got acquainted with the exhibits and historical values of the House-Museum. In the House-Museum, everything is preserved as it was during the life of Sharaf Rashidovich Rashidov. The museum has a unique and authentic […]


Pupils of school No. 60 of the Jizzakh region visited the House-Museum

On April 4, pupils of school No. 60 of the Jizzakh region visited the House-Museum. Director of the House-Museum Odiljon Khamrakulov conducted a tour around the House-museum and introduced the class and class teacher to the history of life and work of a man of the epoch – Sharaf Rashidov, as well as to the […]


Sharaf Rashidov’s Open Memory Lesson using Augmented Reality technologies

On March 12 this year in the Jizzakh region in the secondary school No. 10 named after Sharaf Rashidov, by the initiative of the International Public Foundation Sharaf Rashidov, in cooperation with the company “SmartChain” LLC, a presentation was held. Presentation twas held using educational interactive postcards for schools, using augmented reality technology (English “augmented reality” – AR). The theme of the presented postcards with augmented reality is “The life and work of an outstanding statesman and public figure, writer and poet Sharaf Rashidovich Rashidov”.

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Title Lyrics
“I win with love every moment!”2020 г.
“Command of the Heart” Story1982 г.
Collected works in 5 volumes1978-1982 г.
“The language of friendship, unity and cooperation”1975 г.
“Winners” Roman1971 г.
“Banner of friendship” Book of articles and essays1967 г.
“Mighty Wave” Roman1964 г.
“Maturity” Film Story1961 г.
“The Book of Two Hearts” Film Story1959 г.
“Stronger than the Storm” Roman1958 г.
“Kashmir Song”1956 г.
“Winners” Story1951 г.
“The verdict of history” Collection of articles1950 г.
“My wrath” Collection of poems1945 г.
Contacts Title

Jizzakh region, Sh. Rashidov district, Jizzaklik,Sh. Rashidova st., 51

Working hours

A visit to the museum is carried out on request

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