Feodor Ibatovich Razzakov
Farhad Ibatovich Razzakov (the pseudonym: Feodor Ibatovich Razzakov) was born on February 7, 1962 in Moscow, in an international family: the father, Ibat Razzakov, Uzbek, the mother Nazhija Razzakova, Tatar. He studied in the 325th school in Moscow. In 1981-1983 Farhad Razzakov served in the Soviet Army, in rocket strategic forces in Lithuania (Таuragė). After demobilization he entered the evening department of the Provincial Teachers Training Institute named after N.K. Krupskaya (the History department, 1985-1990). In 1994 Farhad Razzakov started his literary activity publishing the book “Life and Death of Vladimir Vysotsky” (the first biography of the bard). Since then Razzakov has written over 100 books, including the life-histories of well-known actors, singers, sportsmen and writers, e.g. biographies of A. Raikin, A. Pugacheva, N. Mikhalkov, L. Filatov, A. Mironov, O. Tabakov, O. Efremov, V. Harlamov, D. Read. Two books are devoted to Sh. Rashidov: “Corruption in the Political Bureau. The Case of “the red Uzbek” (2009) and “Rescue Rashidov! Andropov against the USSR” (2019).